Rising junior seeks career helping to make 海产品系统更能抵御气候变化的影响


Working as a research assistant during the spring semester in the lab of Michael Chambers, 主要研究可持续海鲜系统中心的研究副教授, Elisabeth 小 ’26 was able to tap directly into interests she hopes will carry her well beyond 主要研究.

她享受在那里的每一分钟——她只是希望这样的时间能多一些. 她繁忙的日程, 繁重的课程负担和校园生活的承诺, 密谋限制她的可用性.

“I enjoyed being able to participate in aquaculture research for a couple of hours each week, 但我希望能做得更多,“小, 谁是最广为人知的艾丽, 说.

愿望,授予. 佩蒂最近被宣布为美国国家海洋和大气管理局的获奖者 欧内斯特·F. 霍林斯本科奖学金, 为大二学生提供的奖学金,包括学术资助(最高9美元),每年500英镑),为期两年的全日制学习,为期10周, 暑假期间在美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的机构进行全职(每周700美元)实习.

小 will take on her internship in summer 2025 and hopes to work in a NOAA fisheries lab. She would love to focus her internship on shellfish aquaculture but 说 she is open “to studying any aspect of sustainable fisheries of aquaculture.”

无论目的地如何, the internship will provide her with precisely the opportunity she was looking for – more time to dive in to research she is passionate about.

“I applied for the Hollings Scholarship because I am passionate about how sustainable food production can improve ocean health and decrease the impacts of climate change,珀蒂说. “我的目标是找到创新的解决方案,使海鲜更具可持续性, 我需要更多的技术培训. My research internship will give me the resources and opportunities to gain more experience and help make that goal possible.”

小, 一个海洋, 河口和淡水生物学专业,辅修可持续农业, 最近在浅滩岛参加了一个可持续渔业课程, where she was able to begin exploring NOAA fisheries programs she would be interested in taking part in.

她希望从事渔业和水产养殖领域的工作, 有可能成为实验室的研究员或水产养殖公司的顾问, and intends to work in the field for a stint after earning her undergraduate degree before pursuing a master’s or Ph.D. 她的职业目标是帮助美国.S. 海产品系统更能抵御气候变化的影响.

“I am particularly interested in studying how ocean acidification will play a role in shellfish production and the impact invasive species will have on the viability of certain fisheries,珀蒂说.

佩蒂对教育和研究一样充满热情. She 说 she would like to find a way to serve as a community educator in her future roles, participating in research seminars and potentially becoming a professor later in her career.

“I believe educating people on where their seafood comes from and how it is impacted by climate change has great benefits,她说。. “It mobilizes the public to change their behavior and make informed policy decisions.”

的纳蒂克, 麻萨诸塞州, 自从来到校园,Native就一直积极参与学生生活, serving as a trip leader and office manager for 主要研究’s outing club – she has led several day and overnight trips involving camping, 冲浪和远足, including a week-long journey to Arizona during spring break this year – as well as a member of the Slow Food Club and Oriza, 女子极限飞盘队.

Those opportunities are important to her because of the connections she’s been able to make with peers throughout campus, 她说. She is hopeful that the Hollings Scholarship will provide similar opportunities, which is a big reason why one of the things she is most excited about is the chance to expand her professional network.

“I’ll get to work closely with individuals in my field of interest and participate in research symposiums,珀蒂说. “That will allow me to find additional undergraduate and post-graduate research opportunities and expand my knowledge of what is being done globally to make fisheries more sustainable.”

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