Targeted Home Systems to Remove PFAS More Cost-Effective Than System-Wide Solutions



N达勒姆.H. ——pfa, 被称为“永久化学物质”的潜在致癌化学物质, 家庭饮用水已经成为一个日益关注的问题吗. Solutions to reduce the risk of exposure range from mandated municipal-level water treatment to under-the-sink home treatment systems. But are consumers willing to foot the bill for an additional treatment system to help municipalities meet new federal drinking water regulations? 澳门葡京网赌游戏的研究人员发现确实如此, 如果这有助于降低风险并符合他们的预算.

“PFAS的挑战在于它是一个潜在的问题. 到处都是, 我们的感官无法察觉的, 而且它对健康的影响可能几十年内都不会出现,斯科特·莱莫斯说, UNH的高级讲师彼得T. 保罗经济与商业学院. "It is important to understand what consumers know and how much they are willing to pay to avoid potentially harmful exposure to PFAS, 不仅是今天,而且是未来几年."

在他们的 研究, 发表在《澳门葡京网赌游戏》杂志上, researchers found in the survey that households on public water systems are willing to pay an average of $156.每年84英镑(合13美元).以更好地保护自己.

的 研究 revealed that the average willingness to pay (WTP) falls short of covering municipal-level treatment costs and aligns more closely with the expenses of home water treatment systems, suggesting that system-wide PFAS treatments may not be appropriate on a local level, 特别是因为PFAS污染在私人井中更为常见.    

“Instead of mandating an entire municipal water system to clean up the water, state and federal officials can test wells on a more localized basis in areas where PFAS pollution is a concern,莱莫斯说。. “If there's a problem with the water in the well, subsidize a reverse osmosis filter.”

与156美元相比.研究中发现了84个WTP, an under-the-sink reverse osmosis filter costs approximately $500 and has a lifespan of around 10 years, 平均每年花费约50美元, 包括维修, 据莱莫斯说. When accounting for filter replacement and other upkeep, the yearly total cost is estimated at $100.

的 survey also revealed higher willingness to pay among respondents who were younger, 女, 有没有孩子或表达过对自来水安全的担忧.

PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are manufactured chemicals used in industrial and consumer products. 它们与癌症等严重的健康问题有关, 免疫问题和生殖问题, 尽管它们的影响仍在研究中. 的 chemicals gained attention in New Hampshire after contaminating drinking water wells at Pease Air Force Base in Portsmouth and the Saint-Gobain performance plastics plant in Merrimack. 

合著者包括John Halstead, UNH和Tristan Price, 缅因州环境保护部.


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