
欢迎浏览联合国卫生组织事故报告表格(IRF). 此表格取代报告! 和第九条事件报告表格.


澳门葡京网赌游戏非常重视相互尊重他人的安全, 照顾那些个人权利和安全受到损害的人, 个人责任和对伤害他人行为的迅速惩罚.

This 事故报告表 is to be used for the reporting of all incidents of (1) discrimination and discriminatory harassment, (2)偏见和/或仇恨犯罪, (3)报复, (4)性骚扰和/或暴力.

这里不是911或紧急服务中心. 如果您认为此事需要立即处理,请拨打911.


IRF将取代包括ReportIt在内的所有以前的电子报告方法! 以及第九条事件报告链接.  这项新技术将提供一个更方便用户使用的报告平台和更安全的收集手段, 存储, 分享信息.  此外,应急基金将使对报告作出精简、迅速和准确的反应成为可能.


该IRF将用于报告所有(1)歧视和歧视性骚扰事件, (2)偏见和/或仇恨犯罪, (3)报复, (4)涉及联合国大学社区任何成员的性骚扰和/或暴力.


任何人都可以就涉及UNH社区的事件进行报告, 不管他们是否隶属UNH.


是的. IRF应该用来报告你所知道的所有性骚扰和暴力事件, 或怀疑, 可能影响了社区的成员.  The IRF will take the place of the Title IX incidents reporting link for fulfilling your mandatory reporting responsibilities.  强制性记者不得匿名提交.  


是的.  IRF兼容所有桌面和移动设备. 


是的.  如果您无法访问IRF,您可以选择呼叫民权 & 股权办公室(CREO)直接致电603-862-2930(或中继NH专线7-1-1)报告您的担忧.  你仍然可以通过电话匿名举报.  你只需要给民权 & 有关该事件的信息. 

如果我观察到一个令人担忧的事件,但不确定它是否上升到违反政策的程度, 我应该报告吗?? 

如果有疑问,提交一份报告. 民权 and 股本的办公室 welcomes any information about incidents of concern so our team can determine the best response.  Even information about events that may not rise to the level of policy violations can still provide valuable insight into climate issues around our campus that can be addressed on a broader scale or be kept on file for cross-referencing future reports.


是的.  任何有信息的人都可以提交报告, 不管你是否亲眼目睹了这一事件,或者是否受到了影响.  旁观者的报告是保证我们社区安全的关键.


是的.  如果你想保持匿名, IRF允许您在不提供识别信息的情况下提交报告.  如果报告者匿名提交报告,学校无法确定报告者的姓名.  然而, the IRF also includes a Follow-Up feature that allows the anonymous reporter to continue to communicate with the case manager assigned to the report once it is submitted.  The IRF assigns a randomly generated 12-digit number Report Key that allows the reporter to create a password to log into the secure portal.  这个门户将允许提交问题, 答案和附加文档, 同时保持匿名.


The Follow-Up feature is a new option for those submitting reports to have ability to keep in touch with the 公民权利 and 股本的办公室 team as they respond to the status of your inquiries and provide additional information.  This allows access to a portal which allows two-way communication between the 公民权利 and 股本的办公室 team and reporting parties to ask questions, 提供额外的详细信息和上传附件,同时保持完全匿名.  提交报告时, 系统将自动生成一个12位数字(您的报告密钥),并要求您创建密码.  从那里, those wishing to remain anonymous may return to the IRF and select the Follow-Up tab to sign in with their Report Key and password. 


  • 提交其他问题/意见 
  • 回答问题/评论 
  • 上传文件到此报告 
  • 提供其他信息


民权 & 公平办公室负责接收和协调对通过IRF提交的所有报告的回应.  民权 and 股本的办公室 Director (或被任命者) will initially evaluate the nature of the report and assign a case manager.  The case manager will only share information on a strictly need-to-know basis with employees in other departments as deemed necessary to appropriately respond to the concerns.  Information from the report will not be shared with any person(s) disclosed within the report without notifying the reporting party first.  


公民权利和公平办公室将使用IRF中提供的信息联系受影响的一方, 告诉他们大学里的支持资源, 解释解决所报告的问题的适用的大学程序, 并讨论他们对解决问题的意愿.


Instances in which information is shared with the 指责党 is fact-dependent and may differ based upon the nature of the incident reported and the expressed wishes of the impacted party.  The university’s goal is to provide the impacted party with support and options to address the matter while balancing the university’s obligation to protect the safety of the community and comply with state and federal law.  It is important to understand that the IRF will be sent directly to 民权 and 股本的办公室 and possibly result in the university taking additional action to address the reported concern, 其中可能包括与被告共享信息.  然而, information from the report will not be shared with any person(s) disclosed within the report without taking reasonable steps to notify the reporting party in advance.


通过IRF提交报告并不自动构成根据第九条提交正式投诉.  第九条协调员将与填写此表格(或在IRF中确定)的受影响方联系, 或被任命者, 谁会提供有关他们的权利和作出正式投诉的选择的额外资料.  Students seeking to file a Formal Complaint are encouraged to reach out to the Title IX Coordinator to fully discuss their options.  学生谁还没有准备好联系第九章协调员鼓励寻求帮助从 享有特权的保密支持提供者 讨论他们的选择.


是的. 如果您提供身份信息, the case manager will follow up with you directly by phone or the Follow-Up feature so you may provide additional or clarifying information.  如果你选择匿名, 您可以使用系统生成的12位报告密钥重新登录跟踪功能,以编辑或更新您的报告.


是的. 公民权利及平等办公室欢迎提交任何文件, 笔记, 图片, 短信, 录像和其他证据连同报告一起.  IRF允许您上载每个文件最多50MB(总共100MB)的文件和报告.  如果您希望发送超出此限制的文件, 请通过电话或通过跟进功能与民权与平等办公室联系,以获得更多选择.  


如果您丢失了12位报告密钥或密码,它们将无法恢复.  请务必在关闭IRF之前将您的报告密钥和密码记录在安全的地方.  民权 and 股本的办公室 welcomes anyone facing this situation to reach out and discuss your report if you have concerns. 

IRF上的一些信息被指定为“必需的”(♦), 但我不知道这些信息,或者不希望在这个时候提供, 我还能提交报告吗? 

是的.  Fields that are marked as “required” (♦) can be filled with any response including “I don’t know” or “N/A” for fields which you cannot, 或者不想, 提供信息.  民权 & 股本的办公室 team encourages you to include as much information as possible as this allows for a more complete response.  强制性记者, 如果您了解适用信息,则必须填写所有必需字段.


单击每个问题/关注类型将会出现一个简短的定义,这将有助于指导您的决策.  If, 阅读了这些定义之后, 你还是不确定, 请选择你认为最能描述你的情况的类别.  没有“正确”的答案.  您将能够在“事件描述”部分深入了解事件的更详细信息.  此外,还有民权 & 股权办公室团队将审查报告的事件,无论你选择. 

我正在报道发生在不同日期的一系列事件, “事故发生日期”一栏应填什么?  

当报道发生在不同日期的事件时, 您可以在“事件日期”字段中键入“各种”, 或者是第一次活动的日期.  “事件描述”部分将允许您清楚地确定每个事件的日期. 

我的事件涉及不止一个受影响方, 指责党, 或见证, 我可以多加一个吗?  

是的.  “受影响的人”,” “Accused Person(s)” and “Witness(es) or Person(s) with Additional Information” sections all allow for up to 10 entries by clicking the “Add person” button that will appear at the bottom right hand corner of the section. 


你所知道的任何有关事件的信息都是有帮助的.  而其他部分将允许您确定当事人,地点,日期,时间等. this section is an open text box which allows you to go into significant detail about any information you may have about what occurred.  This will help provide clarity to your answers in the other sections and to increase the 公民权利 and 股本的办公室 team’s ability to respond as effectively as possible. 


一旦你的报告被收到,民权委员会将对其进行审查 & 股本的办公室.  如果您提供身份信息, 团队成员将通过电话和/或跟进功能直接与您联系.  如果您匿名举报,团队成员将通过匿名跟踪功能与您联系. 


民权 and 股本的办公室 makes every effort to provide as much information as allowed by law and UNH policy to the reporting party regarding the resolution of their concern.  虽然有关决议的一些信息不能披露, 如果报告方共享了他们的联系方式或访问了“跟进”功能, 案件管理人员会让他们从头到尾了解案件的进展情况.   

UNH Information Technology (IT) established a RE-DIRECT should anyone click on the older icon reporting tools or saved links on a department’s page.  The re-direct will bring them to the 公民权利 and 股本的办公室's dedicated webpage that includes the NEW IRF link and FAQ’s.  这种重新定向将持续到2021年春季学期过渡阶段, at which time IT will explore ways to identify how taking down the old tools from websites systematically to aid departments.