
健康 & 健康 provides services and education to help you eat well and reach your goals. 

To find events and programs related to nutrition, body positivity, eating concerns, and more, visit:





我们的临床医生可以评估, diagnose and provide medical care for individuals with nutrition and eating concerns. 预约 在线 或拨打(603)862-2856.




We offer individual sessions with registered dietitian, 莱拉澡堂,女士,先生,先生.

Reach out for nutrition education/counseling to receive assistance with:

  • Eating well with limited time and money
  • 浏览餐厅
  • Managing nutrition-related disease/health problems 
  • Refueling for optimal sports performance
  • Managing weight and body image concerns
  • Normalizing disordered eating behaviors
  • Getting adequate nutrients for vegetarians/vegans 
  • 练习用心饮食


  • 所有访问都是保密的 
  • This service is available to all UNH students and is offered at no cost for full-time students who have paid their tuition/fees.
  • 预约 在线 或者拨打(603)862-3823.




Eating well can support your academic and personal goals at UNH. A healthy, balanced diet helps you by:

  • improving energy levels, concentration, memory and mood
  • increasing your ability to cope with stress
  • enhancing your overall physical health
  • boosting your immune system and protecting against certain diseases


Eating well doesn’t need to be difficult. Using the Wildcat Plate, you can easily balance your meals with foods you enjoy. 的 Wildcat Plate is a useful tool, based on the USDA MyPlate (Links to an external site.) 模型, which emphasizes and helps to visualize the right balance of vegetables, 水果, 全谷物, 低脂牛奶, 瘦肉蛋白食物. As the plate shows, it is important to focus on eating a variety of foods. It is also important to remember that all foods fit, and that there are no “bad” foods. Aim to fill half your plate with 水果 and vegetables, ¼ of your plate with lean proteins, and ¼ of your plate with 全谷物 and to include some dairy or dairy alternative.


We often hear about fad diets in pop culture and all over social media. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what will work to get you that "perfect body,"  and there are often confusing messages on what you should or should not eat. 现实是, 完美的身体并不存在, and these diets typically don't work or only "work" for a short time. 的y can even be hazardous to your health.

Dieting is a common practice among young people and is increasing in all genders. Studies have shown that 60-80% of young students have been on a diet in the previous year. Dieting can contribute to poor mental as well as physical health which can make college life very difficult. This is an important time to make healthy lifestyle changes that you can carry with you after college.


的 non-diet approach to managing weight is an attuned and mindful-based eating approach that supports self-esteem and body acceptance.  It replicates a normalized style of eating which prevents the development of disordered eating and eating disorders. 

的 各种尺寸的健康(HAES) approach supports the non-diet approach and its focus on self-acceptance. HAES is based on the simple premise that the best way to improve health is to honor your body. It supports people in adopting health habits for the sake of health and well-being, 而不是控制体重.

最好的节食是不节食. 避免关注卡路里, grams of key nutrients (like carbohydrates, 蛋白质和脂肪), 或者特定的食物组.


  • 享受各种各样的食物. All food can fit into your food plan with the right balance! 的re is no such thing as "good" and "bad" foods. 
  • 学习 to listen to signals of hunger, thirst and fullness. 
  • Eat small meals throughout the day to keep yourself energized and to avoid extremes of hunger. 
  • Stay hydrated to feel good and perform well. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger and/or fatigue.

When the Fall 2020 semester went virtual, we started releasing recipes that are easy to make and budget-friendly in place of our typical, 在烹饪什么? 烹饪课.

This Spring, we're continuing the tradition.


Did you make a recipe that you loved? Tag us on Instagram @UNH健康 with #whatscookingwildcats!