工作场所的灵活性 - 类别及资格

重要的是:  The information on these pages are intended to address 正式工作场所的灵活性 and is provided to assist employees in initiating flexible workplace arrangements by maximizing the benefits while reducing the risks associated with workplace flexibility.

它是 不打算 to be a method to assist managers in implementing workplace flexibility in order to address budgetary shortages within their departments.

 T在这里 are 2 TYPES of 工作场所的灵活性

非正式的 工作场所的灵活性:

Informal flexibility is occasional in nature without significant impact on supervisors/managers, 同事, 或客户. While such arrangements require approval by supervisors/managers, they do not require written requests.
EXAMPLE: Altering the start and end times of a work day to attend a medical appointment.

正式的 灵活的工作安排:

The formal flexible work arrangement proposal process outlined 在这里 is designed for those employees and supervisors/managers who are interested in a change in schedule and/or work location. Employees with exisiting flexible work arrangements that were not previously documented should connect with their 人力资源合作伙伴

EXAMPLES: Remote work on a set day each week; or shifting to a four-day, 10-hour work schedule. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 USNH Flexible Work Arrangement website

Flexible work arrangements may be voluntarily requested by an employee, or established as a requirement of a position. 

ELIGIBILITY - for flexible work arrangements

The primary criterion for determining approval is whether a formal flexible workplace arrangement meets the business needs of the University.

  • Eligibility may vary for different types of flexible workplace arrangements, as some alternatives may not be appropriate for particular jobs or for certain employees. All proposals should be treated equitably.
  • Not all job circumstances lend themselves to flexible workplace arrangements and the final decision in each case is that of the immediate supervisor and unit/area final approver (见签名页) 投保单).

请注意: if in need of a health-related workplace arrangement please consult the 联合国ADA遵守办公室 对于这些类型的安排.


弹性工作时间: A change in a work schedule while maintaining the percent time of the appointment. 例如: 40 hours of work may be completed in four 10-hour workdays, with the position remaining 100% FTE.

Flex-Year: The assignment of a position to a specific work period in the fiscal year that is consecutive and less than 12 months. 例如, Flex-Year positions supporting academic or student departments during the academic year are typically 75% to 80% appointments, beginning each year at the start of the fall semester and ending after the spring semester.

减少时间: Changing the percent time of a position. For the position to remain benefit-eligible, it must be 75% FTE or more. 例如, an employee could request a reduction from 5 days per week (100%) to 4 days (80%).

混合工作: Working from different locations without changing the percent time of the appointment, typically alternating between a home office and a USNH location. Hybrid work is intended for positions suited for autonomy and flexibility with an expectation that some work will still be performed at a USNH office location.

完全远程工作: Working from remote locations outside USNH locations but within the six New England states (NH, VT, ME, MA, CT and RI) on an ongoing and regular basis. 它是 limited to positions w在这里 employees can successfully execute projects and daily tasks without commuting to a USNH office but w在这里 t在这里 may be an occasional requirement to do so. Temporary 完全远程工作 may be approved for up to three months.

在任何地方工作: Working remotely outside USNH locations and outside the six New England states (NH, VT, ME, MA, CT和RI)的永久基础, with limited expectation to come to a USNH office. Certain states are not eligible for remote work: Please consult your 人力资源合作伙伴.