
For course credit to transfer from another institution, the following criteria must be met:

  • An official transcript has been provided by the school where the course was taken.
  • The course was taken at an institution fully accredited by a regional association of schools and colleges.
  • The grade earned in the class was at least a "C" or its equivalent.
  • The course was not remedial or vocational in nature or taken as part of a non-credit certificate program. 要获得UNH课程的完整列表,请使用我们的 在线目录.
  • Mathematics coursework must be completed at the Pre-Calculus level, or higher, to transfer. No credit is awarded for mathematics courses which duplicate high school level Algebra or below. Credit is accepted for Finite Mathematics and Statistics courses.
  • To receive credit for elementary level foreign language coursework, a student cannot have completed two or more years of study in that same language in high school
  • Credit will not be awarded for any course taken the semester immediately following any academic suspension or dismissal from UNH; or while taking an approved leave of absence from UNH.

注意: 目前在读的学生必须填写一份 转让学分事先批准表 在另一所学院或大学注册课程之前.

Students who wish to receive credit for Advanced Placement exams from high school or the College Level Examination Program must have official scores sent directly from the College Board to UNH. 更多信息请访问 招生办公室.

The maximum credits accepted in transfer from all external sources:

  • 获得学士学位需要96个学时.
  • 48个学期就能拿到副学士学位.
  • 72 semester hours from associate level coursework to be applied to a bachelor’s degree (this restriction does not apply to associate degree programs at UNH-Manchester or the Thompson School of Applied Science).

Transfer credit is awarded for completed courses with a grade of “C” or better, provided those courses are comparable to courses offered at UNH.
No portion of the student's grade point average will transfer; transfer grades are not calculated into the UNH gpa.

只批出课程2.5 or more semester credits can be used to satisfy Discovery Program requirements.

The Discovery Program Inquiry (INQ) requirement cannot be satisfied with transfer credit from another institution and must be taken at UNH.

从学生在UNH上课的第一天开始, students will work with the 司法常务官办公室 and/or the Discovery Program Committee regarding any review of transfer credit used to meet Discovery Program requirements.

学生们 第一学期或第二学期 在大学里:

  • Contact the 司法常务官办公室 to discuss what steps are required .
  • Student will be required to submit a full course syllabus to the 司法常务官办公室.

学生们 第三学期或以上 在大学里:

在另一所学校开设的课程 不可使用 根据UNH的重复课程规则. 如果获得UNH课程的学分, 在另一所学校也有同样的课程, 不允许转学分. 部门 五月 accept equivalent course work at other institutions for grade only to satisfy departmental requirements, 但不会获得任何学分.


  • Incoming students (have not started degree coursework yet) - 招生办公室
  • 当前的学生 (have started degree coursework) - 注册商’s Office

I took coursework at another school/through Running Start/at a community college–can I transfer those credits to UNH?

  • Any students who want to have previous coursework transferred to UNH must have an official transcript sent to the 注册商’s Office: 司法常务官办公室, 加里森大街11号, 斯托克城大厅, 达勒姆, NH 03824
  • 电子成绩单可以发送到 注册商.Records@mbk68.com
  • The 注册商’s Office cannot confirm how coursework 五月 transfer until an official transcript is received and processed.


  • Please allow for several weeks from the time your transcript is sent for it to be reviewed.
  • All students are emailed when their transfer credit has been applied.

Any transfer credit is viewable on a student’s 学位工作 evaluation

我有一门课程的转学分, 但它不能满足学位课程的主要要求——为什么?

  • Students who think their transfer credit 五月 satisfy a major requirement need to talk to their academic advisor.
    • The academic advisor will complete paperwork through their Dean’s Office if they approve transfer coursework to fulfill major requirements.
  • A student’s academic advisor will determine whether transfer courses will satisfy major requirements. The 注册商’s Office cannot determine if a class will fulfill a major requirement.


Any transfer credit that has been awarded will display on a student’s 学位工作 evaluation, which will show what coursework has been accepted and how it fits into the degree program.
请务必在“其他课程”类别下进行检查, 因为一些转移学分只被接受为选修学分.

我想在另一所学校上课. 我怎么知道它们是否会被计入UNH的学分?

  • Students who are interested in taking coursework a t another institution should complete a 转移信用 Prior Approval form. This is the only official system to have courses reviewed for potential credit transfer.
    • The 注册商’s Office will review for elective credit and Discovery coursework.
    • The academic advisor will evaluate courses for major requirements.

If I have previously submitted a copy of my transcript from another university, 美国大学, 或留学经历, 我可以从UNH收到一份非正式的副本吗?

  • No, UNH does not provide students with copies of any transcripts that they have previously submitted as those copies would not be considered official and therefore cannot be distributed.