
莱尼和米歇尔·莱莫斯坐在彼得·T. 保罗经济与商业学院.

莱尼和米歇尔·莱莫斯坐在彼得·T. 保罗经济与商业学院. The mother-daughter duo are both graduating from MBA programs at 主要研究 and will walk together at the May 17 commencement ceremony.

米歇尔·莱莫斯入学的时候 主要研究的在线工商管理硕士(MBA)课程 2020年春天, 她精心策划了自己的学术之旅, 目标是2024年5月毕业. Little did she know her daughter, Leni, would be joining her at the ceremony – 不仅是作为嘉宾,还是作为毕业于 全日制MBA课程.   

This unique dual graduation was sparked by an unexpected twist in Leni’s career plans.  

“这绝对是一次经历,”米歇尔想. “父母和孩子毕业时做同样的事情的频率是多少?? 我认为这很棒.”  


米歇尔住在巴林顿,曾在英国一家公司的行政支持部门工作 新罕布什尔海洋补助金, 位于主要研究校园内, for more than 10 years and strongly desired to grow her career with the organization.    

“我处在一个我能做的最大限度的地方, 我并不一定是因为热爱我的工作才想离开. 但我想做一种不同的工作, 我总是被数据所吸引, 市场营销和报告,米歇尔说。.   

She identified the information system and business analytics option within the 在线 主要研究 MBA program and enrolled after discussing career growth with her boss.   

Leni graduated from Middlebury College in 2023 with a degree in economics and a minor in environmental studies. 她最初在波士顿的一家能源咨询公司找到了一份工作, 但她的开始日期一直被推迟, 这个机会最终落空了.   

“因为我妈妈要去主要研究, 我爸爸建议我去看看联合国的项目, 我找到了一年制MBA,莱妮说. “经济学是跨学科的, MBA让我可以专注于更多的商业课程. I wanted to learn more about business, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a master’s degree.”

Leni is also focusing on the information systems and business analytics option and is obtaining a 联合国环境规划署碳足迹证书 在线.  


为米歇尔, 返回学校, 甚至在网上, 由于紧张的学习计划,需要一段时间的调整.

“It was strange at first taking tests again and reading and writing papers,米歇尔说。. “但我基本上很喜欢. 可能是因为回到学校学习是我的事. 没人逼我这么做. 那是因为我想学习.”   

Leni faced a separate set of challenges in the accelerated 全日制MBA课程. 课程节奏轻快,四门课集中在较短的学期中.  

“这是我本科最后一个学期的调整,”莱尼说. “I found the cohort model useful, especially the first term when we all took the same four classes. 这可以让你与同学建立联系,并在小组中工作.”   


莱尼一参加全日制MBA课程, 米歇尔意识到他们的毕业日期会一致, 这很快就成为了家人和朋友间有趣的讨论话题.  


Leni says the unique dynamic came up a few times in discussions with her classmates.  

“我们有时会讨论选修课, 我会说, ‘Oh, 我妈妈在那个班,’或者有人会问我, “是你妈妈的名字米歇尔。?’”莱妮说. “每次我提到我们一起毕业, 人们的反应是, 我的天哪, 太酷了.’”  

尽管他们俩从来没有一起上过课, 他们仍然拥有共同的经历, 经常聚在一起沟通他们的工作量, 讨论他们的课程和导师, 交换书籍,拼车到校园上班和上学.

“事实上,我开车送她去了她在主要研究上学的第一天, which was unique for us because I never drove her to high school because she was boarding at Phillips Exeter,米歇尔说。. “We drove into school together the first couple weeks as she was getting acquainted with the campus, 然后她交了朋友,不想再和我一起开车了.”   

Leni credits her mother with a crucial last-minute save regarding her graduation attire.   

“I missed the cap and gown ordering deadline, and she was able to pull through for me,莱妮说. “我听说你可以在书店买到, 所以我给她发了短信,因为我不知道书店在哪里. 她给我买的,因为她知道我很忙.”   


为了莱莫斯一家, this year’s graduation is just one of several momentous occasions in a busy period. Last year, Leni graduated from college and her younger brother from high school. 明年,随着她姐姐的大学毕业,这一趋势将继续下去.   

“我们玩得很开心,”米歇尔说. “对我来说,这已经是一项重大成就. 我女儿和我在一起,这让我特别难忘.”   

尽管事情没有像最初计划的那样发展, Leni says she is grateful to have gone through this experience with her mother. She also acknowledges that things may have worked out for the best because she gained a more significant business understanding that she hopes will translate into a renewable energy and sustainability career.    

Leni just started a seasonal job as the sustainability manager for Live Nation Entertainment at the Bank of 新汉普郡 Pavilion in Gilford, 新汉普郡.

“凭借我的高中和大学经历, 我只看到了一条路:你毕业了, 搬到一个城市, 在咨询和投资银行找份工作, 我看到我的很多朋友都是这么做的,她说。. “但在主要研究工作让我看到了很多机会. I could still work in a city, but there are also jobs in sustainability locally.”  

米歇尔正在过渡到NH Sea Grant的新角色, where she has taken on more responsibilities and is working closely with executives.   
