
漂流- rmt团队在彼得T外的照片. 保罗经济与商业学院

5月8日,Drift-RFT赢得了霍洛威学院大赛的决赛. Pictured (L to R) Riley Desmarais, Kara Wittmann, Cameron Vose, and  William Moore.

A team specializing in engineering and business earned the $15,000 grand prize at the 36th 保罗J. 霍洛威创新市场竞争奖

Drift-RMT 在5月8日令人印象深刻的最后一轮投票中获胜, where six teams of student entrepreneurs from across the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) pitched their business plans to a panel of esteemed alums and industry-leading judges.  

Drift-RMT是一个 可再生海洋数据采集装置 它利用波浪运动作为自我维持的动力. 团队成员包括Kara Wittmann, Riley Desmarais and William Moore from the 工程学院 and 物理科学, 以及保罗学院的学生卡梅隆·沃斯. 

海洋表面漂流者为气候模型收集数据, 恶劣天气预报和航海. 传统的漂流者寿命约为18个月,但很多人死得更早. 的 Drift-RMT drifter is projected to last 4-6 years and tackles the issue of marine pollution from its battery-operated counterparts. 

的 Drift-RMT team will now focus on the Marine Energy Collegiate Competition (MECC) in Portland, 俄勒冈州五月底.     


Trim-Able 无障碍指甲修剪器获得了1万美元的二等奖. 

Trim-Able is the world’s first Bluetooth automatic nail trimmer designed to help people who have difficulty using standard nail trimmers. Trim-Able是由普利茅斯州立大学的凯尔·迪米克发明的. 


Info-P 获得了5000美元的三等奖. Info-P is a revolutionary urinary tract infection detection solution providing continuous, 准确的患者数据可节省医疗机构的时间和金钱.  

Info-P团队邀请了主要研究护理专业的学生David Brown, 苏菲Grondin, Cecilia Robison and Matthew Harry from the 卫生学院 and 人类服务. 


In addition to earning third place, Info-P won the inaugural New Hampshire Impact Award. 该奖项旨在表彰企业, 不管他们在比赛中处于什么位置, that would significantly impact the New Hampshire community and economy if successfully launched. 



  • Centrip: An online platform that provides a centralized location for study abroad necessities, 优先考虑组织, 连接和可负担性通过各种功能. 的 team included Paul College students Avery Langone, Emmett Roy, Alexander Cruz and Axel Barretto. 
  • 玫瑰的美丽: A skincare product that provides skin protection against blue light digital exposure while offering a pampering yet convenient experience for women in their 20s and 30s. 该团队包括保罗学院的学生艾莉森·艾弗斯, Gianna Salvi, Alexandra Bonadies和Delaney Cunningham. 玫瑰的美丽 was the People’s Choice Award Winner, earning the team an additional $2,000. 
  • 毕业后公寓: A platform designed to seamlessly ease the transition from university housing to city renting for graduating college seniors. 保罗学院的学生布兰登·墨菲创建了这个平台. 


以保罗J. 霍洛威学院, 一位成功的商业领袖和成功的企业家, the 霍洛威学院 competition is USNH's premier business plan competition for undergraduate and graduate students. 

香港大学学生, Plymouth State University and Keene State College are invited every year to compete for cash prizes totaling $40,000.

米奇比德尔 |保罗学院