
玛丽安麦考德, Byron Kennedy和Steven Camilleri在Olson中心报道

玛丽安麦考德, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 与拜伦·肯尼迪在联合国大学进行经济接触和拓展, SPEE3D首席执行官, 还有Steven Camilleri, SPEE3D的CTO, 参加6月17日的剪彩仪式.

主要研究和澳大利亚公司 SPEE3D, a global innovator in metal 3D printing technology, inaugurated the company’s first U.S.在该大学的制造和应用基地 约翰·奥尔森先进制造中心 6月17日星期一举行了剪彩仪式. SPEE3D develops printers that can efficiently produce metal parts in locations where traditional supply chains are impacted, 从战场到潜艇.

“建立我们的第一个美国.S.-based location at the Olson Center brings together a world-class manufacturing center at 主要研究 with SPEE3D's leading cold spray additive manufacturing technology to a region known for its innovation and advancements,拜伦·肯尼迪说。, SPEE3D首席执行官. “虽然我们是一家澳大利亚公司, 我们在世界各地都有合作伙伴,在美国也有强大的影响力, so it made perfect sense to expand our footprint to address the needs of our partners.”

Partnering with 主要研究’s Olson Center as the site for SPEE3D’s new facility is a testament to the university's robust resources, state-of-the-art facilities and talented pool of researchers and students, 肯尼迪的笔记. 该地点位于SPEE3D在美国的一个.S.最著名的科技走廊, offering unique opportunities for joint collaborative programs and projects that drive the adoption and innovation of additive manufacturing solutions.

“这里有设施、有资源、有技能. 你把这三件事结合在一起,这就是我们最终来到主要研究的原因."

“这里有设施、有资源、有技能. 你把这三件事结合在一起,这就是我们最终来到主要研究的原因,” Kennedy says. “When you’re moving countries, you don’t know who the people are, and you don’t know supply chains. 托管能让你加快速度.”

The event was not only a celebration of SPEE3D’s new phase of growth but also an affirmation of 主要研究's role as a catalyst in the technological and economic development of the region. The presence of SPEE3D at the Olson Center not only benefits the university by enhancing its educational and research capabilities but also bolsters the regional economy.

 “我们希望实现什么? 工作. 我们知道我们可以在这里找到我们想要的劳动力,肯尼迪说。, 表示渴望接触到主要研究的学生才能. 实习在该州留住毕业生方面发挥着关键作用, partnerships with companies like SPEE3D are vital to expanding and retaining New Hampshire’s talented workforce and creating job opportunities.

“主要研究’s partnership with SPEE3D underscores the vital role that academic and industry collaboration can play in fostering innovation and cutting-edge research,玛丽安·麦考德说, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 联合国大学的经济参与和外联. “We are proud to be an integral part of the state’s innovation ecosystem by providing facilities, a skilled workforce and access to a robust business and research community.”

这一伙伴关系表明,对……的需求日益增长 Edge,一个拟议中的创新社区 at 主要研究 aimed at fostering a vibrant community of technology and research. SPEE3D’s establishment is indicative of the growing list of companies considering 主要研究 for co-location, highlighting the university's focus on an open and collaborative approach to business partnerships.

主要研究 is committed to partnerships like this in order to integrate real-world business applications with academic pursuits, 受益学生, 研究人员和更广泛的社区.

有关企业合作机会的更多信息,请联系 主要研究Innovation.